Motorcycle accidents can lead to catastrophic injuries. As motorcycle riders in the State of Missouri know all too well, car and truck operators will frequently not give a motorcycle rider the same respect they give operators of other vehicles. Motorcycle riders have the same legal right to operate on the highways and roadways in the State of Missouri as other licensed vehicles.
When that legal right is not respected, motorcycle riders and occupants can suffer terrible injuries at the hands of a negligent driver. When a negligent vehicle operater causes serious injury to a motorcycle occupant they must be held accountable for the damages and harm they inflicted by their actions. Missouri motorcycle accident attorney Robert A. Strauss has assisted numerous injured motorcycle riders and have fought to obtain the compensation they deserve for injuries sustained at the hands of drivers who did not respect their right-of-way.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, traffic accidents account for 95 percent of all transportation fatalities and 99 percent of all transportation injuries. While 20 percent of passenger vehicle crashes result in injury or death, 80 percent of motorcycle crashes result in injury or death. Motorcycle riders are 32 times more likely to die in an accident than automobile occupants and 6 times more likely to be injured. For more information and statistics on motorcycle accidents go to this document.
Most collisions involving motorcycles occur as frontal collisions as opposed to rear end collisions. More than half of all motorcycle accidents are caused by drivers entering a rider’s right-of-way. This includes vehicles that turn left in front of the motorcycle as well as vehicles that pull into a rider’s lane from a side street. Some drivers will even look directly at a motorcycle and still claim they did not see it. The State of Missouri, through the Department of Revenue, publishes a Motorcycle Operator Manual. This Manual contains important information on how to reduce your chances of being involved in an accident while riding a motorcycle. The Manual can be found at www.dor.mo.gov.
St. Louis motorcycle accident lawyer Robert A. Strauss knows that you as a rider cannot control the actions of the other guy. But motorcycle riders within Missouri can take advantage of the State’s Motorcycle Safety Program. The program has helpful advice and information for both the novice and experienced rider on how to lessen the chance of being involved in a motorcycle accident. This information can be found at www.mmsp.org. This website also provides information on where to find a motorcycle rider training location.
Having represented victims of the roadway for nearly 25 years each, Missouri motorcycle crash lawyer Robert A. Strauss know that there may be a silent bias of some jurors towards motorcycle riders and their occupants. They both know that trying a case to a jury with a client injured on a motorcycle can present special challenges. Many people have preconceived ideas that motorcycles are somehow more dangerous than cars or even trucks. Others feel that simply by riding on a motorcycle the occupant has assumed more risk of injury. These misplaced biases must be directly addressed with the jury and, if some biases are too strong, then that juror will be removed at the request of your lawyer.
The Missouri state legislature recently enacted a law that should help Missouri personal injury attorneys obtain fair and impartial trials for injured motorcycle riders. The law provides that it is not comparative negligence simply to be using a motorcycle. Section 537.055 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri states that in any action to recover damages arising out of the operation of a motor vehicle, the fact that one of the parties was operating a motorcycle shall not be considered evidence of comparative negligence. Riders and occupants of motorcycles involved in accidents deserve to be treated in the same manner as occupants or drivers of cars or trucks injured in accidents. St. Louis motorcycle accident lawyer Robert A. Strauss will fight hard for you or your loved ones for full and fair compensation if you have been injured in a Missouri motorcycle accident.
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident contact attorney Robert A. Strauss for a free consultation. Your claim will be handled on a No Fee if No Recovery basis. If you would like to discuss your claim with Mr. Strauss, please email or call toll free at (800) 991-8688. He handles cases in St. Louis City, St. Louis County, Jefferson County, St. Francois County, Franklin County, Washington County, Lincoln County, Madison County, Kansas City, Jackson County, Greene County and any other county or city within the State of Missouri.